Wildlife Photography

The Fact Of The Matter Is The Matter of Fact

Before getting into my Story, I wanted to mention some schedule changes.I have moved the start dates of the five-part Online Nature Photography and the five-part Awareness online classes to pick up a few more students. The 25% off Sale is still usable and will be applied at checkout!

All that i am is now.-Stalking wolf

I remember from 40+ years ago, back on the original Tracker farm. I was walking with my dad, and he was doing his usual coyote lessons. Eventually, we encountered an Artist Conch mushroom that had fallen off a tree. For those not familiar, they are the flat mushrooms that grow on the sides of trees. They call this species “The artist fungus” because it stays darker when you take your finger and make a line on it. We both sat on the ground, and I vividly remember him grasping my left hand and using my index finger as a pen; he helped me write my name. On that day 40 years ago, I knew I was meant to follow in my father’s footsteps, learning as he learned. Then, one day, I would start teaching after I put in enough dirt time.

I have carried this with me for over 40 years now.

Unfortunately, my parents divorced, and I moved to suburbia.

For the next 15 years, I suffered from Nature Deficit Disorder. After losing my connection, I slowly went downhill, trying to find things to fill the void, which eventually led me to become an opiate addict.

After some cherished friends saved my life and cleaned me up from the poisons I was putting in my body, my father started to ask me, “So when are you going to come back and teach?” I would always brush it off. Like my father before me, I started traveling to test my skills in many different urban and wilderness environments I learned as a child because I knew I would return and teach one day, but I felt I needed more experience. About three years into my trip, my grandfather passed away, and when I was home for the funeral, my father posed the question again, "When are you going to quit being a dirty hippy and come start teaching?" Shortly after returning to the road, I received two omens so blatant that it was as if creation collectively smacked me upside the head and said now was the time. So, in April of 2000, I returned and started teaching. I think next week will be 24 years that I have been “professionally” teaching, although I’ve been doing it my entire life in one form or another.

I spent the next nine years starting at the bottom and eventually working my way up to becoming the head instructor and Director. As much as I love my father, stepmother, brothers, and sisters, the pine barrens, Cedar swamps, and grandmother Atlantic, my vision was telling me that I needed to go out on my own for a while to find my own stories, transforming into my person, responsible for my face and not just a clone of my father, over the next 15 years that I’ve been away. I opened a small school called the Primitive Arts Collective. I was primarily teaching individuals and small groups across the country. I had no lack of students because everybody still remembered me from working with my father. I had waiting lists for classes and got so burned out that eventually, I ended up in Florida with my soulmate. Even though we are no longer together, I would do anything for her because she taught me how to be human. She taught me about emotions and that there was more than just anger, anxiety, or elation. Legally, you become an adult at 18 years old. Still, I did not become an adult until my mid-30s because of the patience, kindness, love, and understanding of the most wonderful person on Earth. I will eternally be grateful for everything she did to help me become who I am today.

After taking a year's sabbatical and living in Florida, we received an offer that was too good to be true, and you know what they say about things that are too good to be true! A friend approached me and asked if I could gather three other people who wanted to start a nonprofit outdoor education facility west of Washington, DC, on a 115-acre farm. So Lisa and I convinced our friends, Kevin and McNeill, to join us in transforming a beautiful but uncared-for and overgrown farm. Over the next two years, countless hours were spent at zoning board meetings, arguing with town officials about how our driveway needed to be 4 inches wider. It cost the nonprofit $30,000 because they said an ambulance could not get up the driveway when it was perfectly paved. I said, "Sir, I drove ambulances for three years, and I could drive an ambulance up this driveway blindfolded and not go off the road." Anyway, some signals got crossed at some point, and all the hard work, blood, sweat, and tears we put into that place evaporated. As things were nearing an end, I had been talking a lot with my good friend Tony, who would become my next employer and also just so happened to be my first customer in 2009 after I left working at Tracker school.

From the moment I met him, I knew he was a special individual with many unique gifts. He possesses the ancient skills we teach and understands how to do business. By combining the two, he has built a business that gets more kids in the woods yearly than any other school I know. I will forever be thankful for all I learned during my 5 1/2 years as Director of Adult programming and Land steward. Even though we don’t work together anymore, Tony still helps me navigate the entrepreneurship world. My original vision for FutureNature involved eventually reaching a day where I could teach for free. I am still invested in that vision, but there’s a long road between here and there.

As many of you know, Last week, I suffered the loss of my dog, Kora. Kora was my steadfast companion for 17 1/2 years. I would have to leave her at home when I was teaching, and she would get super excited. One interesting fact I will share is that I have a security camera in my house. It's motion sensitive, so anytime. It detects movement; I get an alert on my phone. Precisely 20 minutes before returning home, I would get a notification! You could set a watch by it! That’s how deeply connected we were. I have spent long periods alone but have never been as lonely. Now that she is physically gone, I know the feeling well. I have been in Oregon for seven years, and for the past two years, I’ve been trying to build and grow my two businesses: FutureNature and T3Photography.

After partying with my previous teaching position, I promised myself I would never again have bosses other than Nature and my students. Over a few months, I went from living the best quarter of my life to having things be smashed to bits. Hindsight is always 20/20, and I can see my mistakes over the last two years. Luckily, I know one of the most important things in life is to learn from your mistakes, for they are your most important teacher. Just like where there is life, there is death; where there is failure, there is also success. In two years, I have learned more about business than I ever cared to. Now, I have suffered through having my identity stolen and relished the times I could gather people together for classes. In the last two years, I have:

  • I have linked up with several local organizations I will be running programs with, such as the class I co-teaching with Cascadia Wild in July.

  • I learned all those business skills I dread, yet I still have much more to learn.

  • I have found new mentors and good friends throughout this process.

  • I’ve hosted many private mentoring sessions in person, online, and public classes.

  • I have Built and designed many online classes, as well as in-person classes.

On the T3Photography side of things, I have:

  • I have taken some pretty epic photos and videos, which you can view on my social media pages or my photography website, which is www.t3-Photography.com, or my YouTube and Instagram

  • I've done all sorts of commercial photography, from real estate to photographing craftspeople passionate about what they do and what they make. For those jobs, I shoot videos of them, create things, and photograph their inventory for their websites.

  • Building and growing my collection of online classes

People often ask me why photography is so important to me. The first reason is my father. I have many fond memories of us going out with our cameras. The other reason is that when people look at my photos and realize the beautiful things existing in nature right around where they live, it causes them to question, “What else am I missing?” and their awareness shifts, and then they start seeking these things out on their own.

The other reason is that I want to show the world the way I view it through my eyes.

Well, that was a long post! I will also attach a video version to the newsletter.

Lastly, thank you so much for your support, whether you donated to my GoFundMe or not or you sent me an email thanking me for the work I do. Or call me to chat. As far as my GoFundMe, I'd like to close out by finishing raising the funds I initially sought. I'm so close! Those funds would be a godsend right now so I can get caught up on rent, and now that I have my advertising privileges back, I can start doing that to draw more students. I would also like to go to the dentist and get my heart checked.

Just as my father jokingly says at the start of the standard class, I know this is my life's work, which is why I work senselessly to try and lead my fellow humans back to our wild roots and teach them how to walk the razor’s edge by living in the modern world but leading a nature-based lifestyle. I will continue to work, trying to teach people a different way to look upon the earth and their own lives, and also teach them skills that will help them to be more self-sufficient and how to have deep, meaningful relationships with the whole of creation. 

Much love, thanks, and praises,


Getting ready to make some cordage and some baskets

25% off each of my new five part online classes!

Spring is here, and I am in a good mood. Life is everywhere, and it's wondrous, just as the forest is generous and provides me with fresh, free, leafy green vegetables. Since Nature is bountiful now, it has inspired me to offer a 25% off Sale on ALL the new online classes I have developed! It starts with “Bone Tools and Jewelry Making”-class this Saturday! Then there's Nature Photography and Awareness:The Way of The Caretaker. The discount will be applied at check out. Each class consists of 5 2-hour live Zoom sessions, of which you will get the recording. Since there are gaps between the sessions, each of these online classes will have its own dedicated online space where we can chat and share photos of our work, and I can give out homework (hehe) and upload videos to you in between sessions. I'm very excited about these classes as I've put a lot into them. Hope to see you there!

5-Session Bone tool Making ONLINE Class
Register Now!

To find the rest, head to my schedule page. If you still need to see the last email, I have separated my website into two. One website is dedicated to Nature Education, and the other to Photography. If you want to go, check out my new Photography website. Their team manages all of the backend stuff for an insanely low price, taking a huge chunk off my plate and freeing me up to create new classes, take more beautiful photographs, and film some epic scenery! One last thing! The folks from Cascadia Wild and I will host a class here in Sandy in July. I will put all the info on my schedule page later this evening. In the meantime, you should go check out their website. They are an entirely volunteer-run organization that is doing some excellent work. Please go take a look at their website by clicking the link above!

Much love, thanks, and praises,


A HUGE offer from a good friend for you!

A HUGE offer from a good friend for you!

So much Learning!

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Lets talk Gratitude!

Lets talk Gratitude!

I have always been angered with the holiday known as "Thanksgiving" for two reasons; the first is probably pretty apparent to you all, so I will put that one off till the last.

Why do we devote only one day a year to Thanksgiving

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The Ups and Downs of Lymes Disease, Building Businesses, and Crowdfunding

Bees Pollinating Yarrow Flowers, I also did some narration.

Every day, I ponder where we went wrong as a species. I try to think of ways to make nature and our role in it something people have at the forefront of their minds. I want them to ask, “What can I do today to improve the world?” My dream is a world of Caretakers moving through life and spreading the Peace, Love, Joy, and Purpose we all inherently crave.

Helping people heighten their awareness, changing the way they move through the world, and teaching the ways our ancient hunter-gatherer ancestors used to live in a close relationship with nature is my vision in life. Following my father’s lead, I have taken the torch, But it has not been easy. Between my lack of business knowledge (Thanks to those of you who have been helping me with this skillset), Lack of funding, and near-crippling Lyme Disease, I find myself in a conundrum. What do I do? I am offering a product that is far superior to any other. This is a chance to help me educate people on the joy of a deep connection to Nature. Every day, the fight gets harder for me as my Lymes disease worsens. I ask with everything I have to please donate so I can realize my vision and not have it cause such detrimental effects on my body. Your funding will help me take a breather, reanalyze all aspects of my business, and apply the new skills I learn daily from the group of folks helping me realize my vision. If you can help, here is the link to my Go-Fund-me It can also be found in the “Crowdfunding” Section of my website


Lately, With some of the “Extra” time I have had due to Crowdfunding, I have finally realized a dream! Putting my Photos on T-shirts! Here are a few examples. Im working on many other designs, so keep checking back. To honor this “dream come true” Im running a 10% off all Clothing items for 2 weeks. Discount will be applied at checkout! Go check out The School Store

Thank you all so much for your support. I know in the core of my being I will make this work. I just need a little help from my friends!

Much love, Thanks and Praises


Oh, Help Me Oh-Who-Know-Nature. You're My Only Hope!

Fear. I must not Fear. I was afraid the last time I did a crowdfunding campaign; this time, I am Filled with hope. Despite falling short of my goal in our last fundraiser, FutureNature/T3Photography remains committed to making the best use of the funds I did raise. I believe in transparency and accountability, and I want to take a moment to update everyone on how I utilized the resources I got from my first go-round.
Through my first campaign, I met folks who booked classes everywhere, from Alaska to Tennessee. I am thrilled to have connected with individuals passionate about exploring the beauty of the natural world and empowering them with the skills needed to become that one with nature and a true caretaker.
I find myself in a bit of a conundrum. Even though I have classes booked, I can't collect the money until I run them, and I will be out of funds before that happens. That's the nature of the beast of being an outdoor educator. You can't collect all the funds at once in case people need to cancel, so I only ask for a deposit upfront, with the rest due upon class completion. I didn't expect to have this many difficulties. A big thorn in my side is last June's social media hack. Because of that, I am banned from running ads, and I have yet to figure out how to regain my privileges. Thank you all for considering donating. Your funds will not be wasted. I believe deeply in what I do, and I've been working so hard that it's harming my health due to my chronic Lymes. I would be just as exhausted, even if I didn't have it. I am one person trying to run two businesses, and my goal is to make a better world and a brighter future for all beings and the Earth.

Much Love, Thanks, and Praises,


May Video Update!

Hi everybody! I started to type out this month's blog, and I thought to myself, "I'm sick of typing," and decided to do a video update instead to keep you occupied with pretty things while I talk. I've sandwiched in some epic drone footage from this week in the valley. First and foremost, I spoke about the schedule and how that's already up, and I have some more additions. I thought having a varied schedule would make things easier, but they did not. When you see your class title, it will clearly tell you if it's an online class or in person. With that being said, I'm going to be opening up a scheduling section of my website. This is a space where if you want to book some time to chat with me about setting up a private class or have a conversation about tracking and awareness, you can reserve a time slot. Consultations will be free, and I haven't decided on the price if you want a private one-on-one online session, but I will shortly!

There's not much longer in my indigo campaign, and I am only a quarter of the way to my goal. I have some private classes booked for early to mid-summer, and with my unemployment ending, I'm trying to figure out how to plug the holes, as they say. Also, there's a throwing stick raffle which I've decided to extend to July 1 because I haven't had enough tickets sold yet close but not quite there, so if you want to have a chance at winning a one-of-a-kind and made throwing stick by yours Truly! There is a link on my website.

I didn't mention it in the video, but another service I will start offering is preparedness assessments for families and households. Most people are woefully Under prepared should some catastrophic event happen. I will come into your home and meet with your family and then will go through what stuff you do have, and then depending on what level of service you want, it could be as simple as me just providing you with a list of things that you should have on and at all times, what to buy to put in your go bag, all the way up to help you and your people design escape routes out of the city in the four cardinal directions with rendezvous points should you become separated. As the average person begins to feel are species' collective pain, there is a lot of fear. I am fearful people often do stupid things. I want to help ensure that you, your family, and your friends are ready to roll if disaster strikes. You can even do the basic preparedness inspection online

I was recently contacted by a well-known podcast and asked to be interviewed. I'm very much looking forward to it, as millions will hear my message. I am terrified of the aftermath, though. Think about all those emails ill need to answer!

Again, I can't thank you enough for sharing my posts, donating to my campaign, signing up for classes, and buying my photos. This train may have been slowly getting started, but it's picking up speed!

Much love, thanks, and praises to you all


Rebuilding My Life, Spring Update! 15% Off All Classes For 2 weeks, AND a Raffle!

Rebuilding My Life, Spring Update! 15% Off All Classes For 2 weeks, AND a Raffle!

Spring Sale, And a RAFFLE!

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Holiday Update Video! 15% off all Regular and Custom Photo Prints, and Photo Shoots

Holiday Update Video! 15% off all Regular and Custom Photo Prints, and Photo Shoots

My plans for the first part of 2023, and a 15% off sale on all my photo/video work!

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